The WCCW Reading Series is a quarterly literary reading series organized by Bridgette Bianca and Nina Rota. The readings are thematically linked with WCCW programming which, for summer 2019, is the idea of work & labor in all of its possible meanings.
Please join us on Thursday, September 12 at 7:30pm, as we welcome these amazing writers and performers to the Women’s Center for Creative Work.
We use short meditations, free writing, and word exercises to help creative people develop ways of diving into the stream of consciousness without sinking. We will focus on exercises to get our mind and body working together in a smooth flow without being interrupted by our negative inner voices and the negative voices which surround us. This workshop is for writers and anyone else who is creative—visual artists, video bloggers, designers—anyone using the creative process.
Date And Time: Sat, April 6, 2019, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Location: 1888 Center, 115 North Orange Street, Orange, California 92866
The cost of the workshop is $20. Please purchase tickets here.
Nina Rota is a writer and filmmaker. Her writing can be found in Witness Magazine, Entropy, and Red Fez among others. Her short films have appeared in Getty Museum’s Pacific Standard Time project and Anthology Film Archives. She is currently working on a book of essays titled Walls Crumble Before Me…
Ellen Krout-Hasegawa is a gender-queer artist, writer and native Angeleno. For more than a dozen years at the LA Weekly she wrote a plethora on books, theater, music and good times. Her writing has appeared in the LA Times, X-Tra Contemporary Art Quarterly, and Hers 2: Brilliant New Fiction by Lesbians. Currently, she can be found with some frequency at the Tom of Finland Foundation, known only as “Owen.”
I won the Live Write contest at RoarShack last month so I get to read at this month’s event on October 14, 4-6pm, at 826LA in Echo Park (next to Stories bookstore). Actually, I didn’t win, I tied, but not bad for having to write a six-minute story on a prompt chosen by someone else that you then have to read in front of a large group of people. I was terrified!
One paragraph and/or one piece answering the question: What makes you QUEER? Join 40 writers and artists (including me) at ACE/121 Gallery for the first ever Gay Pride event in Glendale.