Terminator Seed (2000) – Written and Directed by Nina Rota

Hang out with the police, protesters, and biotechnology activists at The National Democratic Convention in Los Angeles and find out what’s in those potato chips you’ve been eating.

How many people know that genetically altered foods have been on grocery store shelves in the United States since 1995?

You’ll also learn about the terminator seed, an infertile seed developed by Monsanto and the United States Department of Agriculture that requires farmers to buy new seed year after year after year.

Terminator Seed has traveled to 47 states and 34 countries including Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Turkey, Malaysia and Kenya and won awards at Earth Vision and International SASÀ Award 2003 Film Festival.

Where Terminator Seed has traveled
List of screenings

Director/Producer: Nina Rota
Editor/Writer: Patric Hedlund
Composer: Carolyn Stockbridge
Photographer: Julia Brandreth

For more information about genetically engineered food, please contact:
The State PIRGs Safe Foods Campaign
Food First
Organic Consumer’s Association
Pesticide Action Network

Total Running Time: 6 minutes

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